Saturday, June 22, 2013

Our family expands

Wow, where to begin...For many years, Jim and I have had a desire to adopt.  We have fought it for a long time hoping God would leave us alone.  We stepped forward and backwards many times towards the process in different ways, but always stopped short in fear.  Finally, about a year ago, we knew for sure this is what we needed to do and that we needed to go through DHS to do so.  We attempted to begin this process having no idea how.  We were not met by a welcoming social worker on the first attempt, but by God's provision, I was treating a social worker for DHS as an outpatient in Okalona.  I was asking her about it, and she said that she would just be our social worker.  She was so very helpful in leading us.  She did all of our paperwork smoothly.  We had 27 hours of classes to take together, many certifications, and some home modifications to make, but in April, we were licensed to adopt from DHS.  We were open to any race and possible special needs.  Our only stipulation was under Farrow Kate's age (5)....Well, as you see, God had other plans.  Our social worker did not call us about these girls because of their ages.  However, a friend of ours who knew the process we were in, found out about them.  Long story short, we prayed about them and their ages and had an overwhelming peace.  I am not saying we are not scared and nervous etc, but we knew this is how we needed to proceed.  We met them Wed and told their social worker that day that we wanted to adopt them.  And so our transition to four daughters begins.  Meet Sarah (11) and