Saturday, July 16, 2011

Fun Fun at Fourth Birthday Swim Party

Here is the party girl. She is always excited about life and today was no exception. She LOVED having so many of "her" friends come to "her" house.

My Baby turns 4

This was only the beginning, but on her actual birthday, she started with roses from Daddy, "Mrs. Jane Clair bread" with candle, presents, and a very sweet big sister to help. She also had a small party at Mothers Day Out with her friends and then her Grandmommy and cousins came over for swim and supper. Whew!....and she still had a birthday party coming Saturday.

Sunday, July 10, 2011

Oh how patriotic

Aren't they cute. Cheesy but cute. I stuck out like a sore thumb with my pink dress on for the 4th of July service.

Five spells trouble

This is one of those unusual moments that 5 of my parent's grandchildren were picture perfect. We did not set up this picture. I just happened to walk in while they were doing this.

from left Callie, Emma Claire, Farrow Kate, Connor, and Cale

A BAT????? Really?

If anyone has another idea of what this may be, please let us know, but we are pretty sure this is a bat that our cat brought to our back door. I just love almost stepping on a bat first thing in the morning.